Monday, November 8, 2010

Sebprrbeoc Der,atotos

Small pressure to treat imbalances in the body
Manual Therapy Massage and made finger pressure, shiatsu is particularly indicated for pain associated with stress.
traditional method of healing Far East, shiatsu is generally practiced and taught in a schedule by some martial arts teachers trained in this discipline.
The principle : Shiatsu is based broadly on the same principle as acupuncture (see "acupuncture". When an imbalance occurs inside the body, it is transferred to the surface, producing pain, hardness, temperature change or discoloration of the skin on specific points. Through various manipulations on the surface, the practitioner sends an end to the organ or function assigned, and thereby reorganizes the energy field and allows a return to equilibrium. This technique is similar to acupressure, which is practiced on oneself or others, and in the do, which is practiced on oneself.
indications : Shiatsu acts on the main functions of the body by restoring their full economic activity. It is used to treat stiffening, headaches, apathy, back pain, tinnitus, stress, emotional difficulties, etc.. If you do not change the lifestyle responsible for your troubles. They persist despite shiatsu.
the first session: The practitioner usually starts to ask you about your lifestyle, your body is considering a whole and seeks to discover the cause of your disorder. He then engages in very specific manipulations. After the treatment, which lasts about twenty minutes, you feel lighter, more balanced, and feel a sense of calm.
Read : "Do in shiatsu," Clara Truchot, Courier editions of the book.

The virtues of relaxation. It clears your anxieties, helping to treat your insomnia, your allergies, you prepare for exams, sports, childbirth, and teaches you how to exploit your hidden resources .....
Founded in Spain in the years 60 by the neuropsychiatrist Alfonso Caycedo, relaxation therapy (meaning study of consciousness harmonious) is a relaxation therapy that achieves positive and activate the unconscious. It inspires scientific techniques and muscle relaxation techniques of Indian and Japanese mental concentration and meditation.
Principle: For different relaxation techniques, relaxation therapy you into a state of extreme physical and mental relaxation between waking and sleep, where you can, by auto, with Using the therapist, print images, sensations, positive behavior in your subconscious. It allows you to dilute the tension, fears, anxieties, inhibitions causing your chronic psychosomatic illness, and boost your potential. Exploring the unconscious, this method is, moreover, a way of psychoanalysis (the sophroanalyse), the relaxation therapist helping you through dialogue to bring out your problems.
indications : Sophrology knows many medical applications: preparation for surgery, childbirth, helps to chemotherapy, pain management. It helps to heal diseases such as allergies, eczema, insomnia, migraine headaches, which are often caused by anxiety.
also used to improve concentration, memory, and as effective method of relaxation that allows anyone to soothe, to control his emotions and increase self-confidence.
The first meeting: We invite you, as a first step, to achieve sophronisation base, which lasts about fifteen minutes. Guided by the soft-spoken and monotone of the instructor, you relax your muscles one after the other by staying in touch your feelings and taking a slow deep abdominal breathing. The work will culminate in the gradual resumption of normal tone your muscles and return to the waking state. The drive to this "auto-positive situations" did not take place until after 3 weeks of different years. Any treatment therefore requires a minimum of ten sessions. If you want to learn to practice this discipline alone, you must master a total of 5 stages of exercise for 4 months minimum.
Fact Sheet: The relaxation therapy requires strict training, because of bad mornings it can generate packages harmful, abusive, or drift into wild psychoanalysis. The only teaching of relaxation therapy that results in a certificate of academic study (EPS) is the training to "synthesis techniques of relaxation" - (which is the dominant material relaxation therapy), the Faculty of Medicine Saint Etienne . This department addresses sophrologists communicates with the AEU. information. GCPP @ univ-st - etienne . fr.
Read : "All about relaxation therapy" by Dr. R. Abrezol, Signal Editions.

A gentle exercise. The gestures are very gently, very slowly, and at your own pace. Flexibility and relaxation guaranteed.
At Originally, stretching came from the observation of animals, such as dog or cat, knows stretch relax, regain energy. Stretching was developed in France by a physiotherapist, Jean Pierre Moreau, to help athletes to relax effectively.
Since the early 80s, he became a full gymnastics.
The principle : Stretching is based on sensation, concentration, breathing and stretching. You learn to feel deeply the feeling of stretching the ribs, neck, legs, etc. .. of muscle contraction and relaxation and release their joints (more mobility at the hip, ankle, Piek, knee, shoulder).
Gestures are slowly, focusing on his position and his breathing. Musculaites tensions eventually release. One hour of stretching a pleasant feeling of relaxation and well being. Stretching muscles is also a good way to prevent back pain.
Indications: Back pain due to poor posture, stress, stretching is also a good way to defend himself. It is often recommended in addition to recreational sports.
Factsheet : professors of gymnastics, dance, relaxation have formed by stretching placements. Everyone including those concepts to his experience, there are no two identical stretching classes. The price is close to that of gym class.
Read : "The Mammoth Book of stretching" of Maxim Tobias and John Sullivan, published by Solar.
"the gentle exercise for your well-being," Shocked by Jacques, publish Solar.


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