Find a new balance by taking advantage of all your energy. From a sort of examination of the muscles, kinesiology is designed to detect imbalances in the body, disturbances of the "energy flow".
diagnostic method similar to Chinese medicine, kinesiology was developed in the U.S. in the 60s by chiropractors and acupuncturists like Dr. Goodheart, a pioneer of holistic medicine that treats both the body psychic and physical energy.
The principle . Kinesiology is based on the observation that any imbalance, any stress (physical, emotional, environmental) causes a current blockade of vital energy. This alteration can be traced back several years because the body has stored all our mental and physical, even if we have turned away inside us. By muscle testing and an appropriate questionnaire, you can find their origin, to know where energy is blocked, how long, and what body suffers.
Once identified the causes of blockage, kinesiology offers different techniques correction depending on whether physical or mental problems.
indications : Kinesiology relates to techniques Psychocorporal. It is for those who suffer from malaise, diffuse pain, phobias .... A branch of kinesiology, said educational care to restore the energy balance between the right and left parts of the body and brain, and is particularly aimed at children in learning disabilities like dyslexia.
-cons no real indication, it is especially the receptivity of the person who is to be account, which means it does not work on everyone.
The first session : To restore energy, kinesiology offers various ways. The therapist must find out where are the blockages of energy: why it tests the resistance of muscles to pressure and then performs a gentle massage of acupuncture points. Another method is more akin to a program of self-discovery, she seeks to release by appropriate movements of the past emotions that lead some people to prevent the harmful repetitive behaviors evolve positively.
The sessions last about one hour and two or three sessions may suffice.
Edu-Kinesiology is more aimed at children that are small gym sessions using cross motion (left hand on right knee, making eight with his eyes looking at the ceiling, etc. ... ) After this learning, the child will be a daily exercise of ten minutes.
osteopathy, homeopathy, physical therapists, speech therapists, using kinesiology as a means of further investigation. Other therapists are a specialty.
Read : all Kinesiology Freddy Potschka, editions of the Breath of gold.
A real health guide. Rethinking how to feed and observe rules of hygiene, which purify the body: the method Kousmine activates your well-being and protects you from diseases.
Kousmine Catherine, originally from Russia, emigrated to the beginning of the century in Switzerland, where she studied medicine and pediatrics. In the 40s, before the outbreak of cancer, she began her own research at the Institut Curie in Paris on cancerous mice. Noting that a diet consisting of bread, vegetables and fruits causes 50% drop in cancer rates, it concludes that there is a relationship between diet and disease. In its fight against degenerative diseases, it drafts a comprehensive preventive medicine that provides a great place to food hygiene and bowel and defense capabilities of the organization.
Principle: The Kousmine method based on five pillars. The first and most important, the "food reform", rebalance your diet rehabilitating certain foods (whole grains, oils obtained by cold-pressed, brown sugar cane or honey, fruits and vegetables raw or cooked, and slowing the overconsumption of some others (like margarines).
The second advocates bowel. You need to banish a diet too rich in sugars and proteins that promote the development of a flora of intestinal putrefaction source of disease. Diets and enemas are sometimes necessary. The third checks the acid-base balance and urinary acidification against an abnormal caused by lack of certain trace elements and vitamins. The fourth advises nutrient supplementation if vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Finally, the fifth focuses on the psychological implications of your disease.
indications : "This is preventive medicine major global ills related to lifestyle industry: chronic diseases (bronchitis, allergies), cardiovascular, cancer. It is also a valuable adjunct therapy for rheumatoid and multiple sclerosis? "said Dr. Keros, Kousmine Medical Association International.
first visit. The doctor asks you about your health problems, your lifestyle and your diet. It auscultation and you particularly interested in the condition of your skin, your language, your hair, nails, teeth, muscles, where it can detect the lack of basic nutritional elements. He also inquired about your feelings. Sometimes he asked for supplementary tests. The first consultation takes about an hour. You leave with advice on nutrition and hygiene intestinal right for you and a prescription personalized nutritional supplements. You will, again, upon a second visit, you even measure the acidity of your urine on a strip from the pharmacy. For anticipatory guidance of healthy life, one visit is enough. Chronic diseases require, they regularly monitor.
Any physician trained in two weekends with the avki can provide its patients with comprehensive medical approach.
Read "method Kousmine" Jouvence editions and the 5 Pillars of Health "from the avki.
" Save your body, "Dr. Kousmine Edition J have read.
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