A gymnastics health.
By regularly practicing qigong (pronounced "tchicong"), you will help your body's energy flow, a token of good physical and mental balance.
integral part of Chinese medicine, qi gong (energy practice) is a set of bodily practices and meditation techniques. It can be practiced in many centers under the direction of certified specialists.
Principle: Qi Gong is based on the fact that the physical and mental health depends on the free flow of energy in the meridians (see under "Acupuncture"). It occurs when, in the embodiment of a movement, action and mental balance act to form the principle of unity. In a first stage, the regular practice of qigong preserves health, to increase vital energy and treat certain ailments. At a higher stage, it becomes possible to project the qi (energy) to heal others.
Indications: According to the sequences of movements, qi gong strengthens overall health, strengthens the lungs, strengthens overall health, strengthens the lungs, strengthens the stomach, relaxes the heart, calms the mind, improves vision, etc..
Fact Sheet: To learn qi gong, it is recommended you follow instruction.
Contact: French Federation of qi gong Tel: 04 42 93 34 31
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