Gymnastics sages.
Yoga puts you "in your body and your head" and gives you inner calm and relaxation renewed vitality ....
Yoga, very ancient philosophy of India, was codified into the second century BC by Patanjali, in his treatise "Yoga Sutra". It's a lifestyle physical, mental and spiritual. If the physical yoga or hatha yoga (the one we practice today in the West) often refers, incorrectly, a sort of mystical approach, because it equates to yoga as a whole. It is not, in fact, an excerpt of this art of living: The physical part, stripped of its spiritual and metaphysical stages and is suitable for our mentality.
Principle: This method bodily development overall personality based primarily on the harmonization of energy. Thus, the postures are responsible to clear the tension and restore the balance of vital energy. Hatha yoga postures routine includes two hundred which must be done with controlled breathing: this simultaneous work of the body and breath that allows the concentration and provides the trigger.
Indications: It is a tool for good health: energy charge, activation functions circulatory, digestive breathing, stimulating the brain and endocrine glands.
Soothing should be well subjects anxious, emotional, contracted, the insomniacs, the overworked, and those who lack concentration.
acting more on the ligaments to the muscles, it relaxes primarily the spine and joints and provides a valuable complement to many sports seek some muscles too. Hatha yoga has no real physical problems and can be practiced at any age.
Some postures are cons-indicated for people with acute arthritis, high blood pressure, heart problems.
Without careful monitoring, and for "figures" the most complex, it can also present huge risks for the spine: a danger of cuts discs and disc space narrowing.
The first session: A session lasts an hour at least. It teaches you initially become aware of your breathing to relax. Followed by postures, conducted a rate bound, slow and non-jerks.
According to those present (twelve in all), the teacher selects appropriate postures that achieve unity of action meeting.
A feeling of well-being is the sure sign that the exercise achieved its goal: it was relaxed and rejuvenated you. To take advantage of yoga, learning takes many months (and for some years) to one lesson per week.
Factsheet : Regardless of education, the rates are free to anywhere in France, in town halls or houses of culture, the sessions are usually cheaper.
Only some sessions conducted by physiotherapists and entering under rehabilitation are partly reimbursed by Social Security.
Contacts: A selection of faculty qualifications
- The French federation of hatha yoga : 7, rue de Plaisance 75014 Paris
- Federation National Yoga Teachers 3, 75004 Paris Street Aubriot
Phone 01 42 78 03 05 - -
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