By stimulating certain points with your fingers clear of the body, you relieve mild conditions.
The principle : By stimulating acupuncture points manually, it is possible to normalize the circulation of energy and correcting imbalances that are causing trouble. The gesture which involves massaging a sore point is well known, and everyone makes a reflex. Knowledge of acupuncture points can act on certain organs or functions by stimulating a point distant from the affected site. You can act, for example, rules against pain by stimulating the point "of the three yin crossing" near the ankle above the medial malleolus! Near Shiatsu is practiced on others, and do in, which takes place on yourself acupressure can be performed on oneself or a partner.
indications : Acupressure and treats common ailments as varied as fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, digestive problems, itching, colds, sinusitis, stiff neck, and a number of pain (dental, lumbar, shoulder, fingers, hip, neck ... )
You can learn the location of acupuncture points and the manipulative technique in a manual for the general public: "acupressure", Pascal Elouard, acupuncturist, published AAEP, for example.
method of self massage to evacuate stress relaxation. Inspired by Tao of Chinese philosophy advocating the balance between man and the universe, do in, or energy path, occupies a prominent place in the Japanese daily hygiene. Known in France thanks to the growing population of East Asian body practices, the DO is taught in collaterally by some teachers of martial arts, yoga for example.
Principle: The C in the principle that energy can be blocked in one or more points on the body as a result of fatigue, stress, poor feeding, climate change or any Another disturbing issue. Thanks to a gentle self-massage, synchronized with respiration, it is possible to regulate the circulation of energy, a guarantee of good health. The C in is a technique similar to shiatsu.
indications : The do in, as well as acupuncture stimulates the surface action of the major functions of the body. He is on many common ailments and helps preserve her physical and psychic.
A read "do in" Anne Beatrice Leygues, editions of the rock.
"Do in shiatsu" Clara Truchot, e-book editions.
It reduces congestion in the tissues and eliminates toxins, it is a gentle massage, rhythmic and precise in the path of lymph to relax and fight against edema.
A Danish doctor, Emile Vodder developed in the 30s this massage technique designed to promote lymph flow. Today, it is an act of physical therapy supported by Social Security, but also a beauty treatment and comfort for the face and legs.
The principle: to stimulate the lymphatic tissues to decongest and eliminate toxins. The lymphatic system consists of vessels, capillaries, and lymph nodes (a total of 600 to 700) acting as filters. Just an infection, stress, so that the lymph is slow, congested, and there appears edema, swelling in the legs, arms, face. Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a slow, rhythmic massage is gentle pressure and releases the path of the lymph nodes.
The Indications : limit pain and swelling subsides. It is practiced in the field of aesthetics as it promotes cell rejuvenation and helps fight against the sallow complexion, acne, bags under the eyes It is effective in the case of heavy legs. But attention is cons in patients with cardiac and circulatory important.
The massage begins with the area where the lymph is blocked by a massage to the lymph nodes. He accompanies the pressure in circular movements of the palms on the walkways of the lymphatic system. This massage is very nice and relaxing. (* Lymph is the colorless liquid filling the lymphatics, it contains white blood cells (WBC), and the same substances as blood serum).
Practiced by physiotherapists, medical prescription and prior agreement.
Read "Manual lymphatic drainage" by Dr. Gerard Megret, Albin Michel, collection current medicines
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