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Gymnastics sages.
Yoga puts you "in your body and your head" and gives you inner calm and relaxation renewed vitality ....

Yoga, very ancient philosophy of India, was codified into the second century BC by Patanjali, in his treatise "Yoga Sutra". It's a lifestyle physical, mental and spiritual. If the physical yoga or hatha yoga (the one we practice today in the West) often refers, incorrectly, a sort of mystical approach, because it equates to yoga as a whole. It is not, in fact, an excerpt of this art of living: The physical part, stripped of its spiritual and metaphysical stages and is suitable for our mentality.
Principle: This method bodily development overall personality based primarily on the harmonization of energy. Thus, the postures are responsible to clear the tension and restore the balance of vital energy. Hatha yoga postures routine includes two hundred which must be done with controlled breathing: this simultaneous work of the body and breath that allows the concentration and provides the trigger.
Indications: It is a tool for good health: energy charge, activation functions circulatory, digestive breathing, stimulating the brain and endocrine glands.
Soothing should be well subjects anxious, emotional, contracted, the insomniacs, the overworked, and those who lack concentration.
acting more on the ligaments to the muscles, it relaxes primarily the spine and joints and provides a valuable complement to many sports seek some muscles too. Hatha yoga has no real physical problems and can be practiced at any age.
Some postures are cons-indicated for people with acute arthritis, high blood pressure, heart problems.
Without careful monitoring, and for "figures" the most complex, it can also present huge risks for the spine: a danger of cuts discs and disc space narrowing.
The first session: A session lasts an hour at least. It teaches you initially become aware of your breathing to relax. Followed by postures, conducted a rate bound, slow and non-jerks.
According to those present (twelve in all), the teacher selects appropriate postures that achieve unity of action meeting.
A feeling of well-being is the sure sign that the exercise achieved its goal: it was relaxed and rejuvenated you. To take advantage of yoga, learning takes many months (and for some years) to one lesson per week.
Factsheet : Regardless of education, the rates are free to anywhere in France, in town halls or houses of culture, the sessions are usually cheaper.
Only some sessions conducted by physiotherapists and entering under rehabilitation are partly reimbursed by Social Security.
Contacts: A selection of faculty qualifications
Phone 01 42 78 03 05 - -

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A letting-go to access a comprehensive wellness. Excellent for maintaining physical and mental fitness, tai chi chuan has the advantage of practicing at any age.
This form of martial art inspired by Chinese philosophy known currently growing in popularity, and it is not uncommon for the followers of this "gym" silent evolve gracefully in public parks.
Principle: Based on the development of internal energy and cultivating a spiritual self-forgetfulness, tai chi chuan increases the potential energy, promotes relaxation of the body and allows to gain flexibility as well as a greater understanding of self and other.
The first session: After some stretching, you can climb under the guidance of a master, in silence and slowness, movement and postures coded with poetic names like "white monkey offers the fruit" or "dragon crawls on the ground" Only a regular repetition and focus you will store the sequences and do them properly.
Fact Sheet: For learn tai chi chuan, there are textbooks, but it is recommended you follow instruction.
Contacts: For information, please contact the Federation of French traditional tai chi chuan

health came from the sea treats joint pain, your legacy of accidents, your legs, help you lose weight, relax, and give you great.
The first thalassotherapy center using heated sea water and applications of algae and sea mud was born in 1899 in Roscoff. But thanks to the champion cyclist Louison Bobet Thalassotherapy where the rheumatology and functional rehabilitation remain a priority, but are moving more and more towards the "general fitness of the organism."
Principle: Thalassotherapy is a comprehensive natural medicine that uses the properties of seawater, algae, sludge and marine climate.
The sea water is extremely rich in minerals and trace elements that penetrate the skin when the temperature reaches 32 ° C and the contact time exceeds ten minutes. It also contains living organisms like plankton and algae, which release substances, antibiotics, antiviral purifying and antibacterial properties. The penetration of these elements is accelerated by a variety of skin stresses (whirlpools, showers, jets, massages, seaweed wraps, sea mud, etc.)
Thalassotherapy also uses the benefits of air coastal marine, rich in iodine and negative ions that increase resistance to attack. Moreover, in sea water, the body becomes lighter and floats (a subject of 80 kg weighs only 8kg), which allows for movements that were difficult or painful to the ground.
Indications: thalassotherapy relieves rheumatic and accelerates the recovery of movement of people injured (at Granville, Belle Isle, Hyeres ...) It is effective in cases of venous circulatory disturbances (treatments legs in Ouistreham, Quiberon Island Oléron, Monte Carlo). It relieves back pain (back to school Hélianthal Saint Jean de Luz, Granville, special back to Roscoff). Thalassotherapy accompanies the best pregnancy ("prenatal treatments" on the island of Oleron, Saint Jean de Monts, and postnatal treatments "in La Rochelle, South-Portt Crouesty, La Baule, Carnac) It fights effectively cons cellulite in Quiberon, Porticcio, Saintes-Maries de la Mer, Saint Jean de Luz Hélianthal) and tobacco abuse (tobacco cures in Pornic, Hendaye, Monte Carlo) It improves sleep (Dinard) and fights with success overwork, fatigue, stress (in Saint Malo, Pornic, Royan Sainte Marie de Ré, Hendaye)
Unfolding of a cure: The medical input is used to determine your health check and refer you to an assortment of personalized care based (usually four per day). Such care, which constitute the backbone of the cure are the hot tub, whirlpool bath, large jet shower, shower bath, shower underwater, and the algotherapy pelotherapy (applications of algae and sea mud hot), the foot bath (bath legs with various hot and cold water mixing sea) and massage (always performed by a physiotherapist). A cure should last 12 to 15 days to provide real benefits.
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Home thoughts from the source. The cure is a good way to improve your health if you suffer from a chronic disease that is not sufficiently relieved by medication. The spa was already practiced in Roman times, Middle Ages, and was very popular earlier this century. In France, 1200 Hot Springs received an operating permit and it is in a hundred stations that hydrotherapy is developed primarily in the Vosges and the Jura, the Alps, the Massif Central and the Pyrenees. After a period where the spa became synonymous with trouble and illness, we are now witnessing a search for dynamism, credibility and efficiency. Thus, many teaching hospitals to scientifically evaluate the benefits of the medical spa.
Principle: The cure is realized during a stay in a spa that is traditionally in France from 18 to 21 days. Care based primarily on the use of a natural mineral spring water whose therapeutic properties are a function of chemical composition (bicarbonate, sulphate, sulphide, chloride, sodium or low mineral).
water is used in all its forms, drinking cure, in baths, showers, underwater massages, rehabilitation pool, but also in steam baths or thermal gas in thermal mud applications. The cure is a complete treatment which involves both the climate, recreation, education for better management of their illness. The expected benefits of a spa are a reduction in symptoms and reduced drug consumption.
Indications: The 12 guidelines officially recognized by Social Security are:
  • Respiratory (38 stations)
  • Rheumatology and sequelae of trauma (68 stations)
  • phlebology (10 stations)
  • gynecology (13 stations)
  • The gastrointestinal tract and metabolic diseases (17 stations)
  • The urinary tract (11 stations)
  • psychosomatic diseases (6 stations)
  • The neurology (4 stations)
  • Diseases cardio-arterial (3 stations)
  • Dermatology (13 stations)
  • affections bucco-lingual (12 stations)
  • development disorders in children (5 stations)
can treat many types of diseases in the same station. The cons-related information in general all acute (with the exception of eczema) and all major deficiencies of vital organs.
Tip: The Hydrotherapy gets up to date and diversifies by offering health packages 6 to 10 days (control, stress relief, migraine, special heavy legs, slimming, fitness ....)
The first Session: Your first appointment with the doctor is the spa resort. He has received a letter from your doctor stating what he expects for you to cure. The doctor prescribed three or four spa treatments per day according to your case. Next, a custom program is based on this order by personal spa (hydrotherapists, physiotherapists and you ....) more than to be guided.
Fact Sheet: medicine spa was introduced in 1997 in the compulsory teaching of the 2nd cycle of medical studies. The doctors will know you better prescribe a cure. As for the spa doctor who runs your program, it has acquired a "medical spa capacity"

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Small pressure to treat imbalances in the body
Manual Therapy Massage and made finger pressure, shiatsu is particularly indicated for pain associated with stress.
traditional method of healing Far East, shiatsu is generally practiced and taught in a schedule by some martial arts teachers trained in this discipline.
The principle : Shiatsu is based broadly on the same principle as acupuncture (see "acupuncture". When an imbalance occurs inside the body, it is transferred to the surface, producing pain, hardness, temperature change or discoloration of the skin on specific points. Through various manipulations on the surface, the practitioner sends an end to the organ or function assigned, and thereby reorganizes the energy field and allows a return to equilibrium. This technique is similar to acupressure, which is practiced on oneself or others, and in the do, which is practiced on oneself.
indications : Shiatsu acts on the main functions of the body by restoring their full economic activity. It is used to treat stiffening, headaches, apathy, back pain, tinnitus, stress, emotional difficulties, etc.. If you do not change the lifestyle responsible for your troubles. They persist despite shiatsu.
the first session: The practitioner usually starts to ask you about your lifestyle, your body is considering a whole and seeks to discover the cause of your disorder. He then engages in very specific manipulations. After the treatment, which lasts about twenty minutes, you feel lighter, more balanced, and feel a sense of calm.
Read : "Do in shiatsu," Clara Truchot, Courier editions of the book.

The virtues of relaxation. It clears your anxieties, helping to treat your insomnia, your allergies, you prepare for exams, sports, childbirth, and teaches you how to exploit your hidden resources .....
Founded in Spain in the years 60 by the neuropsychiatrist Alfonso Caycedo, relaxation therapy (meaning study of consciousness harmonious) is a relaxation therapy that achieves positive and activate the unconscious. It inspires scientific techniques and muscle relaxation techniques of Indian and Japanese mental concentration and meditation.
Principle: For different relaxation techniques, relaxation therapy you into a state of extreme physical and mental relaxation between waking and sleep, where you can, by auto, with Using the therapist, print images, sensations, positive behavior in your subconscious. It allows you to dilute the tension, fears, anxieties, inhibitions causing your chronic psychosomatic illness, and boost your potential. Exploring the unconscious, this method is, moreover, a way of psychoanalysis (the sophroanalyse), the relaxation therapist helping you through dialogue to bring out your problems.
indications : Sophrology knows many medical applications: preparation for surgery, childbirth, helps to chemotherapy, pain management. It helps to heal diseases such as allergies, eczema, insomnia, migraine headaches, which are often caused by anxiety.
also used to improve concentration, memory, and as effective method of relaxation that allows anyone to soothe, to control his emotions and increase self-confidence.
The first meeting: We invite you, as a first step, to achieve sophronisation base, which lasts about fifteen minutes. Guided by the soft-spoken and monotone of the instructor, you relax your muscles one after the other by staying in touch your feelings and taking a slow deep abdominal breathing. The work will culminate in the gradual resumption of normal tone your muscles and return to the waking state. The drive to this "auto-positive situations" did not take place until after 3 weeks of different years. Any treatment therefore requires a minimum of ten sessions. If you want to learn to practice this discipline alone, you must master a total of 5 stages of exercise for 4 months minimum.
Fact Sheet: The relaxation therapy requires strict training, because of bad mornings it can generate packages harmful, abusive, or drift into wild psychoanalysis. The only teaching of relaxation therapy that results in a certificate of academic study (EPS) is the training to "synthesis techniques of relaxation" - (which is the dominant material relaxation therapy), the Faculty of Medicine Saint Etienne . This department addresses sophrologists communicates with the AEU. information. GCPP @ univ-st - etienne . fr.
Read : "All about relaxation therapy" by Dr. R. Abrezol, Signal Editions.

A gentle exercise. The gestures are very gently, very slowly, and at your own pace. Flexibility and relaxation guaranteed.
At Originally, stretching came from the observation of animals, such as dog or cat, knows stretch relax, regain energy. Stretching was developed in France by a physiotherapist, Jean Pierre Moreau, to help athletes to relax effectively.
Since the early 80s, he became a full gymnastics.
The principle : Stretching is based on sensation, concentration, breathing and stretching. You learn to feel deeply the feeling of stretching the ribs, neck, legs, etc. .. of muscle contraction and relaxation and release their joints (more mobility at the hip, ankle, Piek, knee, shoulder).
Gestures are slowly, focusing on his position and his breathing. Musculaites tensions eventually release. One hour of stretching a pleasant feeling of relaxation and well being. Stretching muscles is also a good way to prevent back pain.
Indications: Back pain due to poor posture, stress, stretching is also a good way to defend himself. It is often recommended in addition to recreational sports.
Factsheet : professors of gymnastics, dance, relaxation have formed by stretching placements. Everyone including those concepts to his experience, there are no two identical stretching classes. The price is close to that of gym class.
Read : "The Mammoth Book of stretching" of Maxim Tobias and John Sullivan, published by Solar.
"the gentle exercise for your well-being," Shocked by Jacques, publish Solar.

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A foot massage that acts at a distance your pain
It relaxes you, relieves your digestive problems, circulatory, muscular, migraine.
reflexology on the foot finds its origins in China around 5000 BC Filzgerald William, an American doctor, was reintroduced in the early twentieth century, as practiced today.
The principle : Foot reflexology believes that every organ, every function of the body, every gland hormone even on the foot is associated a specific area, called "reflex". The soles of the feet represents the back of the body, and over the ventral part. The organs that are right can be found on the right foot and vice versa. Those who are at the center appear on both feet. These reflexology are touch sensitive and sometimes painful spontaneously when the organ function is disturbed. By stimulating one can get relief by reflex disorder.
Indications: Foot reflexology relieves stressed people, hypertensive insomniacs. It relieves blood circulation problems, headaches, constipation, digestive disorders, backache, muscle and joint problems, and many chronic conditions.
cons This technique is indicated in cases of thrombosis, phlebitis, and requires care in diabetes, heart disease.
The first session : The practitioner asks about your health problems and current condition you want relief. You lie down on a worktable and brushes or press certain areas of your feet with your hand and thumb, especially detecting hotspots. Then he treats these areas by specific massages: effleurage, massage rotation (hand turn) movement "caterpillar" (the thumb sequentially bends and stretches). For a migraine, it can stretch the toes until they crack, then massage and squeeze the pulp, which stimulates blood circulation and nerve in the brain. After the meetings, you can have reactions: fatigue, increased urination, skin rash. Four to six sessions (one per week initially, then spaced) may alleviate some of your chronic conditions. If it detects an organic problem, which is not within its purview, the practitioner may refer you to a specialist.
Fact Sheet: Foot reflexology is practiced by podiatrists, naturopaths, physiotherapists.
To read: "The réflexothérapeutes" MF David Retz pocket editions.
"The book of reflexology," Mireille Meunier Trédaniel editions.
"Theoretical and Practical Treatise of podo reflexology," Roland Fiete, Jolly Roger editions.

For the harmony of body and mind
These techniques erase the tensions of your body, giving you balance, mental calmness, control your emotions, concentration.
Everyone knows these pleasant states of passive relaxation, in a recliner in a bath. But as amazing as it sounds, relaxation is as active and then becomes a codified discipline that tends to pacify the mind and body.
is the case techniques of harmony of body and mind developed over millennia by the Eastern philosophies of yoga, Zen.
"It is also one of the great scientific relaxation techniques that have developed in the West early in this century, "progressive relaxation technique (Jacobson method) of the American physician Edmund Jacobson," Trainin autogenous Schultz, "the German psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz," Vittoz method ", named after the Swiss doctor who has created. Other current relaxation appeared in the 60s, inspired by these techniques. The person is sometimes relaxed invited to express her feelings, as in psychoanalytic relaxations.
The principle : These techniques attempt to remove your stress while making you aware of your body and its reactions. They lead your muscle tone to the resting state, a necessary prelude to overall relaxation, physical and psychic. All these disciplines, whether traditional or modern, give a big role in balancing your breath.
Indications: The three great relaxation techniques, performed alone or in combination, can constitute forms of psychotherapy (relaxation psychotherapy) and participate in the treatment of disorders of psychic origin (stomach ulcers, hemorrhagic colitis) and neuroses. They should then be performed under strict supervision of psychotherapists.
They also, more commonly, a restorative relaxation, a stress management, emotions. Thus, methods that are based on those of Jacobson and Schultz are now mainly used by physiotherapists in rehabilitation or for psychomotor treating psychosomatic disorders (sleep problems, anxiety disorder): the method of Schultz is interesting in the subject too emotional, too contracted: phobia of examinations, stage fright .... The Vittoz method is intended mainly for nervous people, children who have difficulty concentrating, and all those who wish to improve their powers of attention and perception.
The first session : The instructor who directs the method of Jacobson makes you gradually contracting and releasing muscles throughout your voluntary locomotor while you enjoy doing, whenever, state of relaxation. The technique is slow (over months, with sessions of 30 minutes to an hour each). Long practice you will find in your body and eliminate unnecessary stress and anxiety that accompanies them. In the "Schultz autogenic training" the therapist uses your imagination to relax a decrease in muscle tone, which leads to mental relief. Learning is long: six sets of exercises to be carried out continuously over two to three months and focus on your muscles, your vascular system, your heart, your breathing, your abdominal organs and head.
In the first step of the method Vittoz, you are encouraged to perform successively all your senses (touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste) to check the pure sensation. The teacher asks, for example, close your eyes and feel an apple. Is it smooth, rough, cool, hard? These exercises facilitate rehabilitation of the sensory brain that trigger, itself, causes muscle relaxation.
Factsheet: Higher Institute of psychomotor rehabilitation and relaxation: 9 bis, rue du Bouquet de Longchamp - 75116 PARIS. (Http://
Contacts: The ARDP - ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PSYCHOMOTOR - ARDP - 5 Rue Copernic - 75116 PARIS - Tel: 01 47 04 98 68
communicate the addresses of psychomotor dealing with psychosomatic disorders and psychomotor (tics, stuttering, pathological shyness in children, sleep disorders, stress, anxiety). Cost of one session (conducted on prescription) reimbursed mental health center or hospital.
To read: "Vittoz and pedagogy" social Chronicle editions.

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A gymnastics health.
By regularly practicing qigong (pronounced "tchicong"), you will help your body's energy flow, a token of good physical and mental balance.
integral part of Chinese medicine, qi gong (energy practice) is a set of bodily practices and meditation techniques. It can be practiced in many centers under the direction of certified specialists.
Principle: Qi Gong is based on the fact that the physical and mental health depends on the free flow of energy in the meridians (see under "Acupuncture"). It occurs when, in the embodiment of a movement, action and mental balance act to form the principle of unity. In a first stage, the regular practice of qigong preserves health, to increase vital energy and treat certain ailments. At a higher stage, it becomes possible to project the qi (energy) to heal others.
Indications: According to the sequences of movements, qi gong strengthens overall health, strengthens the lungs, strengthens overall health, strengthens the lungs, strengthens the stomach, relaxes the heart, calms the mind, improves vision, etc..
Fact Sheet: To learn qi gong, it is recommended you follow instruction.
Contact: French Federation of qi gong Tel: 04 42 93 34 31

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power plants
Plants are a fabulous treasure that nature gives us to enable us to overcome a multitude of ailments without having to resort to chemical synthesis.
Phytotherapy is probably the oldest medicines: the first texts that refer back to 4000 years! Nowadays, the action of plants on the body is scientifically verified and many practitioners are dedicated to the reintroduction of the use of plants in medicine.
Principle: plants are used according to their properties. Linden, valerian or hops, for example, stimulate sleep, witch hazel or red wine affect circulatory problems. But they are also used for their "totum". Each plant has between two and three hundred components that combine and complement to fight on several fronts at once. Fungal repeatedly, for example, often develop on land deficient hormone estrogen. Sage, which stimulates estrogen and fights fungus, can act simultaneously on two aspects of the problem. The use of "totum" also exposes the less side effects than using a single active ingredient of a plant used in isolation in a synthetic drug.
indications : Phytotherapy is primarily recommended for treating :
  • infections (bronchitis, colds, flu, sore throats, ear infections etc.).
  • rheumatism, circulatory and digestive disorders.
  • skin diseases (urticaria, mycosis, acne, etc.)
  • The painful menstruation, menopausal disorders;
  • nervous system disorders (insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, stress, depression, etc.)
herbal treatment does not replace the body in its fight against illness, it stimulates the normal defense reactions that allow a return to good health, regardless of the severity of the disease. In cases of serious illness, treatment can help phythothérapeutique adapted to withstand the heavy treatments sometimes indispensable. Caution regarding self-medication! Many guides teach the properties of plants and herbal medicines are freely sold in pharmacies and health shops. If you want to take your own health care, it should be done with caution and without complying with the dosage consumed repeatedly. The natural is not always safe! Queen-of-by, for example, is cons-indicated if you are allergic to aspirin, the sage is in patients with history of breast or hyperestrogenism! To be sure of avoiding a bad method of care, it is best to consult a medical herbalist.
the first meeting : If you like we treat you with attention, you will not disappointed. A consultation with a herbalist is much longer than a conventional consultation, it takes approximately 45 minutes, but up to two hours! the practitioner shall careful questioning. It focuses on both the main functions of your body and your lifestyle. Are you more in the evening or morning? During the physical examination, he takes your pulse and your blood, your heart auscultation, reviews the status of your tongue, the color of your palate, the quality of your nails. His observation is refined according to the problem. If you suffer from hyperthyroidism, for example, he pays attention to the vitality of your look and quality of your hair.
After his diagnosis, no standard prescription, you are entitled to an individualized treatment!
Contact: To find a herbalist doctor, French Society phytoaromathérapie ( SFPA) and Phyto 2000 ... 19, boulevard Beauséjour 75016 Paris. Tel / Fax: 01 40 50 88 57
Read : ABC of Herbal Medicine Infectious Disease "by Drs Christian Duraffourd, Jean Claude and Jean Valnet Lapraz, Editions Jacques Granger.

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minerals in very small doses that will revitalize.
With a contribution, small amounts of trace elements (copper, fluorine, iodine, calcium ...) oligotherapy reinforces defenses Immunity helps to slow aging, and gives a boost.
Micronutrients are chemical substances in small doses in the body (less than 1% of the human body mass), but essential to its functioning. The idea of using them to vitalize the body is very old. She has taken shape in Western medicine in 1950 with the work of Dr. Jacques Menetrier.
Currently, oligotherapy, true regulator of vital functions, is defined by a precise dosing without the risk of overdose. This is not a dietary supplement to compensate for Micronutrient deficiencies, which fundamentally distinguishes the nutritherapy.
The principle : This therapy wellness put in your body's mineral millionth of a gram. Indeed, these trace elements (copper, iron, selenium, cobalt, zinc, manganese, fluorine, iodine, etc.) stimulate many vital functions that ignores that iron deficiency causes anemia, iodine is essential for the proper thyroid function? But sometimes they do not play their role, due to pollution of all kinds. The oligotherapy then represents the drop Oil that maintains the proper functioning of your body and prevents the first disorders or dysfunctions generated by the evils of modern civilization, including pollution of industrial-type diet (containing sweeteners, additives, preservatives, antibiotics.
Indications: It is particularly suitable for curing spasms, certain bowel disorders, fatigue, sleep disorders. It is also effective in allergic diseases recurrent ENT. It can, moreover, d avoid premature or accelerated aging caused by the stresses of modern life. It has no action in cases of serious illness installed.
The first session: After a very thorough examination and personalized (your background, your health, your lifestyle ...) and a conventional medical examination, the doctor determines whether or not it is interesting to prescribe a temporary cure of any remedy Oligotherapy.
Factsheet : oligotherapy practitioners are all doctors, most of them also
homeopaths So they followed after their PhD medicine, medical training in homeopathy or additional training specific oligotherapy.
Read : "Fatigue and trace elements" and "oligotherapy reaction" by Dr. P. Padrassi, Editions Similia. "Overcome osteoarthritis," Dr. Picard, Editions Maloine.

Handle with care. Relieve back pain, but also various aches, this is the main aim of osteopathy.
In 1874, an American, Dr. Andrew Still, discovered that many diseases may be related to lesions of the spine. Since then, others were responsible for moving the method (known as cranial osteopathy, spinal or visceral). Today, if we think that osteopathy is based on scientifically questionable, it nevertheless remains a technical examination and treatment of bones and joints is very valuable and almost indispensable. In France, osteopathy is not recognized but taught to doctors in respect of natural medicine at the University. Meanwhile, schools are non-physicians very rigorously.
The principle : For osteopaths, any damage to bones, muscles, guts, can affect another part of the body even further away. Thus, a bone disorder in the back can lead to repercussions on the spinal nerves and cause pain in the arm, leg or organs like the liver, intestines, stomach or heart. Similarly, a problem of a body can manifest as pain in a bone or joint (see also "Fascia). The role of the osteopath is therefore to identify with his hands these malfunctions or crashes, and make the body its mobility by various manipulations sometimes spectacular, but without results for back pain with its accompanying low back pain, back pain, neck pain (torticollis, by example), but in the aftermath of sprains and fractures ... Other disorders, including migraine headaches, constipation, hiatal hernia can be relieved to the extent that it is only minor problems. Of course, no one cares or infarction, or cancer or multiple sclerosis with osteopathy, which does not mean that we can not relieve their patients in convalescent phase. As a rule, are cons-mentioned serious diseases, infections , periods of crisis, recent trauma (fracture, head injury).
The first session : It begins with an examination on previous illnesses, falls, accidents you've had, how you live, walk, sit, sleep, etc.. Then the osteopath will seek to establish a diagnosis by feeling carefully your back, enjoying the movements you can do or not, which is painful, and so on. Finally, it will proceed handling. Handling is a gesture natural mechanical, a kind of stretch in the opposite direction to that which we can not do. In cranial osteopathy, everything is smooth: it consists of gentle pressure of the skull that provide a real relaxation. The session often ends with a gentle massage, for performance monitoring, and especially advice. It can leave very tired of osteopathy session, but two or three sessions of half an hour, one week apart, are usually sufficient to resolve the problem.
Fact Sheet: title MRO DO (osteopathic graduate, member of the Register of Osteopaths) secures the seriousness of the training. This training is offered to holders of bachelor's degrees. It corresponds to a long-cycle higher education academic standards consisting of a first European 2-year cycle, a second cycle of 3 years and a third one-year cycle. The course totals for 5000 hours most schools of higher education. The teaching of osteopathic includes the study of anatomy, biomechanics and physiology as well as learning specific techniques of palpation. The art of test, evaluate and deal with as a tool palpation, requires a lengthy apprenticeship. The integration of theoretical and clinical teaching allow osteopaths to acquire quality and competence as a first line player.
Read osteopathy, a therapy to discover "Pierre Tricot, Editions Chiron.

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natural methods to cure. It is primarily a lifestyle that prompts you to take charge of your health. This type of therapy, which helps the body heal itself using natural means, such as bathing a sprain, or fast when you are not going well, always existed. They structure the nineteenth century, however, around five main bases: Young, treatment regimens, hydrotherapy, exercise and psychological counseling. In the twentieth century, Pierre Valentin Marchesseau, French father of naturopathy, has consolidated all the previous work. In Germany today it is mostly practiced in spas and the "heilpraktiker (paramedic recognized by the Ministry of Health). In France, the profession is poorly organized and contested.
Principle: The naturopathy, strives to restore your self-healing capacity wasted by pollution and stress of the industrial world, three major approaches: food hygiene, physiological (that of exercise and eliminations natural) and neuropsychological. When these technical background can be properly implemented because of professional or family context, the naturopath uses in addition a minor technical nature: hydrology (care by water), manual techniques (relaxing massages ...) , techniques reflexes (At the foot of the ear), herbal medicine, psychotherapy, magnetic techniques and finally breathing techniques (borrowed from yoga, qi gong. Gymnasts sweet).
indications : Naturopaths are interested in the topic as a whole, indicating the form of healthy living that suit them best. This approach to health may be effective for chronic ailments such as insomnia, rheumatism, allergies, spasms, and is an auxiliary interest in certain degenerative diseases such as arthritis, neurological diseases. But do naturotherapy not treat serious diseases. Moreover, if the patient is in a great state of exhaustion, it will be ineffective and can not wake her ability to heal.
The first session : The naturopath questions you about your lifestyle, your troubles and your personal history (emotional problems, work), it takes your pulse (the pulse of China), review your constitution and uses iridology, or check-ups conducted in the laboratory. All these elements enable them to assess your supply and your critical loads (food, uric acid). It draws up your hygiene program vital that includes a period of detoxification (mono-diet, diet, cure drainage) supplemented by a phase of revitalization (optimum nutrition, vitamins, food supplements, rest, sunshine, positive thinking). In two or three sessions you will have the main keys to your personal lifestyle, and you can take better care of your health. Some care and complementary techniques (learning to breathe, to relax, for example) you will in addition be useful.
Read "Naturopathy, health forever," in Daniel Kieffer editions Jacques Grancher.

It restores the healthy balance.
With treatments of vitamins, minerals, designed to meet your nutritional deficiencies, and dietary advice, nutritherapy improves your shape and protects you from many diseases.
Limus Pauling, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954, is one of the first biochemists to achieve, by 1970, the importance of macrodoses vitamins. He finds that preventive and curative effect of these substances taken in doses higher than normal, such as the action of vitamin C on colds.
Subsequently, many researchers have studied the basic micronutrients that are needed in the body in the right proportions to prevent and fight disease. Orthomolecular medicine (from Orthon just) and was born in the USA, where it has ceased to grow.
It reached Europe and became known as "nutritional medicine" in England and "nutritional therapy" France.
Principle: This new discipline notice that our food choices are not always
suited to our needs and our present no longer bring food to the body essential nutrients in sufficient quantity. This especially as tractors, elevators, washing machines, etc. ... resulted in a saving of labor that led us to reduce by nearly half our caloric needs in 100 years.
The nutritherapy fills the gaps in providing these basic nutrients Nutrition: vitamins, trace elements, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids, called "essential" form of additional natural or synthetic, and dietary advice.
Indications: They are very broad, because deficits in these vital elements can cause problems, some of which are common (fatigue, nervousness, insomnia, spasms, hair loss), and other more severe (lower immune depression, but also increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cataracts, cancer). Nutritherapy serves, moreover, to increase athletic performance and offset the deficits incurred by some drug treatments.
The first consultation: The nutri toured your problems, your personal and family history. He already can detect on clinical examination certain deficiencies. He has also at its disposal specific laboratory tests: dosage vitamin, mineral and trace elements, analysis assessing the speed of aging of the body and how different brain circuits. This review is completed a food balance. It is from these elements that the doctor prescribed nutri you advice and most important food nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino) priority.
handout: nutrients are freely available, but are best used after consulting a physician practicing nutritional therapy, because there are balances to meet:
  • certain minerals should be given only in certain forms to be well absorbed.
  • Excessive intake of certain vitamins (A, D) may be harmful.
  • Nutrients are mutually incompatible, such as iron and vitamin C.
practitioners are physicians who have received training in nutrition therapy, a discipline that has not yet been integrated into university curricula.
Read : "The practical encyclopedia of vitamins and minerals," Dr. Jean Paul Curtay and Josette Lyon, Hachette.
"The new guide to vitamins," to Thierry Souccar Edition du Seuil.

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Eating : an art. Strictly applied, macrobiotics would be able to prevent or cure almost all diseases.
Developed around 1960 by George Ohsawa, Macrobiotics promotes nutritional precepts designed to promote physical and mental health. One can learn it through books that explain the theory and give recipes.
Principle: The macrobiotic diet emphasizes the close relationship between living beings and nature, whose food is the main agent. The art of preparing meals obeys the law of complementary opposites: yin and yang (see section: Traditional Chinese Medicine) To balance your menus, so you have to worry about the nature of the products. The pineapple, eggplant or fishing, for example, are yin. Buckwheat and yam are yang.
Food consists exclusively of organic products, with lots of grains and many vegetables. It is not exclusively vegetarian, eggs, fish, meat are allowed in reasonable quantities. Macrobiotics is not a diet to follow in case of illness. If you want access to health and well-being by this method, you need to practice a strict and daily life. That respect for the discipline that the results depend.
You can learn about the macrobiotic reading: "The macrobiotic cookbook," Lima Ohsawa, Guy Trédaniel editions.

Healer unarmed. You enter the mysterious realm of energy transfer, donation, the laying on of hands, despite the troubling results, it should be very careful.
The Chaldeans, Egyptians, the Chinese were using rods and clocks as instruments of "revelations", or to detect the existence of a source, they laid hands to heal. Today, they are healers magnetizers radiesthésites conjurors or warts, still experiencing some success.
The principle : According to Professor Yves Rocard, the body has areas particularly sensitive to magnetic influence. Thus, man can feel variations in Earth's magnetic field and suffer without realizing a physical imbalance. Despite experiences that seemed promising, Professor Rocard was unable to conclude definitively on the reality of the phenomenon of magnetism. For their part, healers, hypnotists, dowsers believe that energy blockages can cause malfunctions, cellular or hormonal imbalance and cause disease. The hypnotist, with an energy subject to a higher rate than other humans, may, by imposition of hands or with the clock, get in touch with the people he treats and restore energy balance.
indications : We just see healers for all kinds of evils, the best results in nervous disorders (depression, shingles) skin diseases, respiratory problems (bronchitis, sinusitis )
The first meeting: interview, pendulum, laying on of hands, passing on the entire body, everything is pretty fast, between 15 and 30 minutes. Energy intervention take effect for about 3 weeks. Sometimes you will not need to return, you will be relieved. Sometimes several sessions are needed.
tips It will be difficult to distinguish between charlatans and sincere and talented people. No control is possible.

The power of magnets
Known to relax muscles and soothe the pains, the technique uses magnetic fields emitted by magnets.
The Chinese and Egyptians already knew the healing properties of lodestone. In 1979, Dr. Jean Bernard Baron rediscovered this therapy in Japan and shows the action of opposite polarities north and south on muscle tone. Then it was in 1982 that Dr. Philip Orengo said the action of magnetic pain relief in muscle spasms. Mostly what we retains today.
The principle : The magnet acts as the polarity of magnetic field. By its north pole, it relaxes the muscles by its south pole, it has a calming and anti-inflammatory.
Indications: Osteoarthritis, cervical or lumbar pain, tendinitis, strains, effects of surgery: the magnets are effective jump over 20% of subjects, these subjects being said magneto-resistive. They are ineffective in calcifying tendinitis. Meniscal damage, the shingles ... and cons are listed in pacemakers.
The first session : After diagnosed muscular pain, the therapist places on the area to deal with magnets or magnetic plates held in place by adhesives, to keep a few days to a month depending on how long the pain. This is neither painful nor unpleasant. One can only observe a feeling of warmth after application of the magnet, and sometimes a temporary worsening of 2 to 4 days.
Factsheet : Doctors rheumatologists, physiotherapists and naturopaths practice this technique: some have been trained at the Faculty of Medicine of Bobigny or to St. Anne Hospital in Paris.
To read: "Magnéthothérapie, magnets that cure" AK Mehta, published by Mountain.

One touch source of well being and vitality.
Massages unravel your nervous and muscular tensions, relieve your pain, you activate your circulation and recharge energy.
For millennia, massage participates in the East an art of living: by balancing the energy, it is a weapon usual prevention against diseases. In the West, massage is healing or well-being (in Do, Shiatsu)
Principle: The medical massages, prescribed by doctors and covered by Social Security, under the jurisdiction Exclusive physiotherapists. They help to treat conditions of order vascular, nervous and relieve various pains. Massage wellness undone deep muscle tension, awaken the senses and the surface energy resources. From the California massage for relaxation deep overall, they have diversified as more targeted approaches (back, face).
indications : Among the massage, the massage "aesthetic face" blurs wrinkles and fine lines and restores radiance to the complexion. The "back massage" helps to overcome the tensions accumulated during the day and revitalizes. The "slimming massage", often assisted by slimming gels based on the auklets, caffeine, stimulates circulation, relaxes in depth and stimulates the lymphatic system, suppressor of excess fat. The massage "descontracturant of athletes provides good concentration before exercise and a rapid recovery after. The baby's full body massage "strengthens its immune system, regulates sleep, breathing and the development of its skeleton. The" sensory massage, "as used in sex therapy, couple's inhibitions fall.
The meeting : a good relaxing massage is done with light oil and fluid. preheated to body temperature. The massager carries the rounded, both powerful and hairlines (practicing kneading, sanding, sweeping, stroking) , symmetrical (right and left, top and below) and dispersing nodes always straining towards the periphery.
more contact of her hands is broad and enveloping, relaxing is more your deep In the end, when you are refreshed, the masseur you covered with a soft towel and warm. Thai massage, a blend of pressure on energy points, joint mobilizations and stretching.
Read : "The book of massage" Clare Maswell-hudson (with examples of self massage), solar edition.
ABC Thai traditional massage "Denis Lamboley, Editions Jacques Grancher.

Dealing healthy so they do not get sick.
In China, we expect it to be sick to go to the doctor: in fact, traditional Chinese medicine is primarily preventive.
Old at least 2500 years, Chinese medicine includes the pharmacopoeia (composed of herbs), diet, exercise and energy, some extension is by meditation and concentration (qi gong), massage and acupuncture is the only branch officially recognized and practiced in France (see Acupuncture).
Principle: For the Taoist tradition of Chinese medicine, all derived from qi (pronounced chee), vital energy. Everyone knows the symbol of Taoism, contained two commas of opposite colors that complement each other to form a circle. These two elements or breath, the yin and yang, one each from the earth and sky, are inseparable and complementary opposites. Yin emanating from the earth, are Related example the solid, passivity, cold. Yang, which emanates from the sky, are associated with the intangible, business, hot. These two elements are found in everything that exists, and in the human body, their steady-state that guarantees health. So if you have hypertension, that circulates in excess yang in your body. If instead, you miss the tone is that outweighs the yin yang of the practitioner's intervention aims at rebalancing.
indications : Chinese medicine has the same indications that Western medicine. If every winter you get the flu, if you are allergic, diabetic, or if you suffer from any disease known field, Chinese medicine, mostly concerned with rebalancing the body, is more effective than Western medicine. It is less so, however, for acute diseases, emergency treatment, care of the injured. In China, the two medicines are often associated. In the case of cancer, for example, are used for treatment of Western medicine, Chinese medicine as a complement, allowing chemotherapy stronger and more effective, safe for the patient's life.
The first consultation : If you look for an upset stomach, for example, the Chinese physician takes into account a range of symptoms, it asks you if your hair is falling, if you have a history of respiratory If your periods are painful, if you support the change of seasons etc. ...
From there, it provides a comprehensive picture which contains your stomach. This diagnostic method allows energy to pinpoint the cause of your symptoms. Thus, it does not issue standard treatments, but prescribed a personalized treatment.
acupuncturists Only physicians are qualified to practice this branch of Chinese medicine.

Relax instead of contracting muscles. It is a gentle exercise which helps increase awareness of body image and derive a sense of well-being, Therese Bertherat, a great friend Francoise Mezieres has helped to inform his approach to the general public by publishing a book in 1976.
Principle : In his method we retain the idea that the body is a brand that stands through the posterior muscles: too tight, these are the cause of many pains. Unlike the classic gym rather seeks to make the muscles work, the method helps to find and Bertherat to dissolve the deep tensions that affect them. You relax by tiny movements and gentle exercise.

At your pace, making slow movements and harmonious, this is gymnastics a good way to get flexibility and mobility, particularly after trauma.
Moshe Feldenkrais, born in Russia in 1904 was quickly convinced of the prominent role played by awareness of the body. He showed that the concentration can, will, get rid of automation and find more mobility.
Principle: The Feldenkrais Method focuses on movement, not based on effort but on the sensation of his own mobility exercises offer new ways to move and appropriating the movement more efficient, less tiring, the most personal. By connecting new neural circuits in the brain, you create new habits, improve movement defective you happen to work so unusual coordinations drive, for example, the arms move in one direction, the legs in another.
The first session : The exercises run very slowly. You will discover the physical possibilities that you did not know, and feel the different parts of your body. That said, it takes some practice to concentrate on ourselves. Sessions last one hour and are conducted in small groups.

A rehabilitation gym based on stretching the muscles. A gentle manual technique is ideal when one wants to take her back in hand seriously.
Developed in the 70s by Francoise Mezieres, this method of stretching muscles continues to be applied by physical therapists specifically trained in this particular teaching.
The principle : The pain in the lumbar or cervical dorsal come from shortened muscles, since those toes to those of the skull base. The goal is to make these muscles throughout their length and their flexibility by stretching. The physiotherapist Mezieres views the body as a whole, just as if there was only one muscle from head to toe and not spare parts.
Indications: The method is recommended primarily for back pain and acute back pain or chronic, traumatic or rheumatic origin, but also joint pain, arthritis and the various ailments of the hand, knee, foot .... To be considered more as a rehabilitation method as that prompt treatment of pain.
The first session : The physiotherapist you submit to a lengthy interrogation, he paints a comprehensive morphological assessment after spotting deformities, bad attitude you take to compensate for an imbalance or pain. It will make you aware of your bad attitude, then you will naturally find proper alignment (head, shoulders, pelvis) and show you how to maintain a posture by stretching and contracting your muscles intensely, almost without moving. You can do this work lying, standing, resting on a table, sitting or on all fours. The sessions are individual, weekly, about an hour, treatment usually quite long: allow several months for a result (time sufficient to chain lengthening muscle). Not drive home, but the physiotherapist will advise you to do the right things of everyday life.
Read "Mezieres, back reinvented," Sylvie Geismar, publish Josette Lyon.

Music releasing tension. Method using melodious waves to free you from your stress, improve your communication skills, reduce psycho-emotional disorders, or help you cope better with your pain.
Throughout history, primitive societies have linked music to medicine. In Africa, India, Bali sound rhythms are the means of access to ecstasy, to the unconscious, and the means to expel the evil of body and soul. Ancient Greece gave a great place to music in education, next to the gym, these two disciplines to facilitate relaxation, harmony of gesture and motor coordination. The twentieth century discovered in turn the result of research in neurology, therapeutic and balancing virtues of certain music. In France, the first study to have examined the physical and physiological consequences of sounds is an engineer, Jacques Jost. He founded the International Center music therapy (ICD).
The principle : Mountains studied music, the sweet and simple melody lines, helps restore the fundamental rhythms of the body (heart, lungs, blood ...) and lead to relaxation muscle, the first stage of relaxation. The well-being felt up blockages, relieves anxiety.
There are two kinds of music therapy: receptive music therapy, based on listening, individual or group of specially selected pieces of music and music therapy active when added musical improvisation on the subject of simple instruments allowing him to speak and communicate with the therapist, the latter responding to music.
The meeting : In method receptive, it makes you listen to each session three musical pieces that fit your sensibility. The first prepares you for responsiveness. It reflects your emotional and tends to evoke your emotional reactions customary, your psychological problems. The second fragment erases the effects of the first and helps you release of your current problems. The third, therapeutic, stimulates or soothes you you, as appropriate, and opens new perspectives. In the final session, the therapist invites you to describe what you felt, he alone could then translate your verbal message and better discover your problems.
Read : "Balance and Health Through Music Therapy" by Jacques Jost, Editions Albin Michel.