Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Increased Cm But No Period

the roaccutane on the dock

How many times have I surprised that these skin treatment prescribed Roaccutane (or one of its generic product as the is no longer sold under that name) when a teenager had three buttons? This has always seemed very shocking to prescribe powerful drug before they have tried all other possible treatments, including antibiotics premises. It is now suspected of causing serious side effects (perhaps suicidal behavior) among adolescents treated. Obviously, me at the time, I did not know there could be such a risk, I warned against the heaviness of a treatment, which often consisted of wanting to kill an ant with a bulldozer. With side effects, except mental disorders, who are already terrifying. I'm not saying that this drug has no value because I know that Roaccutane saved the skin (literally and figuratively) of thousands of people decked out in severe acne and that among these people, there were a number of severe depression due to acne that ruined their lives. But why no news has filtered out in the papers health in France when the drug is the subject of much controversy in the United States or Canada and Switzerland? We often hear that the U.S. is the champion of the precautionary principle and we do not care nicely. I think we we're just the champions of the lack of information and it's pretty sad ... It seems that now the dermatitis are recommended to monitor very carefully, but how many patients were put on treatment even without that we try other treatments on them (already at least 3 in my environment)?


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