Monday, September 29, 2008

Do You Need Snowboarding Armor

28 million DVDs distributed paranoid about Islam in American newspapers

is continued good news today! The news comes
Jason, my roommate. And I admit it's pretty scary: a pro McCain was able to raise enough funds to have it published 28 million this 60 min DVD and distribute them this week in 70 newspapers, mostly swing states which focuses the main election issue. The DVD appears to manipulate facts to give a sense of threat in the Islamic countries.

- Pro-McCain Group Dumping 28 Million Terror Scare DVDs in Swing States (with the list of 70 relevant journals)
- Controversial film is Islam Delivered nationwide
- The Los Angeles Times also speaks
... and all articles that talk about Google News

News for the road: a person who has just seen the DVD would have poured tear gas into a mosque in Ohio. I feel bad that story! Moreover, it appears that Islamic group wants to prohibit the dissemination of the DVD ( read this). I use the conditional tense because I do not spread rumors virally. For the past two information, I only have sources whose reliability and objectivity can be questioned.

For my part, I told Marjorie Spangle (who answered) of ILovePolitics - one of the best news sites on the U.S. campaign in France - and BFM because I think it's a fairly Info symptomatic of the tense atmosphere here at the approach of the election.

I feel that this story circulated in DVD newspapers can create a case of the kind of caricatures of Muhammad, what do you think?

Sample Of Church Annivesary Program

Travel Recession

I start a new part of my journey today, I'm going on a recession. Recession is a rather barren earth, whose fruits are less abundant than usual. These people fail over the land of plenty to poverty in a few minutes, the way of a vote in the House of Representatives but also and especially negligence and carelessness of some leaders who have left established a banking system having the very short term after his glasses.

the recession appears to be a very distant land, there is very shortly. She had not invaded the country of Uncle Sam for the year since she was 30 but was postponed at the cost of millions dead and a world war, many saw it as a land uninhabited and finally forgotten. As in Fort Bastiani The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzati, the sentinels of federal banks have fallen asleep in prosperity and left for the financial system. So that the Tartars were able to reconstitute and infiltrating the global financial sytem, and now everyone takes interest in a forgotten prospect: that prosperity does not fall from the sky, the system is rests on a fragile and uneven management of the planet's resources.

In Cockaigne, we remain confident in the future, at least here in Michigan. TV stations that fall into the paranoia, the Americans do not follow them. They keep, what I saw, a form of confidence in the future, their Manifest Destiny . Friday night, the debate should focus on the state of the global economy but rather the two candidates seemed to agree on their analysis and the Paulson plan. So after debating taxes for the wealthy and health insurance system for all points where their differences, both candidates chose discuss international relations, the war in Iraq where the confrontation was the strongest. The future will tell me if the pessimism is spreading here. Maybe my optimism is that it's right here at the University of Michigan, a handful of economists determine the confidence of American households.

In my house, the crisis is preferred laugh. Saturday night, the evening's theme is in Owen The Great Depression, because we thought it would happen only once.

few days ago, I told my father that the crisis was beneficial in a sense, it had a silver lining to clean up the financial system (read this article Street 89, still above the them) and that may be it should perhaps be left to the invisible hand. That was before seeing the magnitude of the crisis, and especially before discovering that my health is insured with AIG!
The refusal of the Paulson plan does not seem to me a good perspective at a time even if banks have to take much responsibility for their lightness.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Getting A Brazillian Wax

New Libération website and thoughts on web design, advertising and online media courses

While tumble of daily newspapers continues , Libération has published today the new version of its website web. With a fall of 8.6% of sales, the newspaper had no track for his salvation than relying on the web as a whole "media dying" to paraphrase Thomas Thibaut .

This new format for Liberation does not convince me really. It seems to me that the site of Le Figaro has greatly influenced this change. Competition is increasing in the market for daily newspapers in stores and online. Intoxicated by the recent success of the newspaper by Serge Dassault (the first national newspaper in September and above first site info online since June), Libe has sought unsuccessfully to copy their classmates of Figaro.

The similarity is seen from the homepage:
Rue 89 cartons? , blog format for everyone!

Class Struggle forces, blue dominates Le Figaro, Libération in red. United States, the opposite: blue Democrat - Republican red. But the parallel left-right does not really make sense here, I was thinking more like Noam Chomsky, they are two "factions" of a party that even economically, do not differ very little (witness the Obama-McCain agreement on the Paulson plan of $ 700 billion). Let's go to our
newspapers, the presentation is very similar: an article highlighted occupies most of the home page. In my opinion, this is like trying to make news sites daily press portals for a more general public wishing to know everything before the headlines. This is the logic of these two pages and personally, AC disappoints me a little.

Headlines everyone can find them in the shortest time between mails of news, Google News, RSS, radio, TV, news alerts and tutti quanti. In the world of information overload , what I claim to an information site, a veritable value added analysis, reports, information that does not pass through the filter media. As a bonus, there is aggrémenté videos or short and analytical reports as the site of the New York Times (for me one of the most successful changes in the traditional press online). Again, palm Rue 89 : multimedia (video complete articles, provides a real plus - you can not always watch a video: It takes time even on a low load on configurations, the text goes faster to read or zapper), a truly original content and not a paraphrase of AFP dispatches (journalism in other words), a site highly participatory and focused not only on the current Franco-French. Rue89 do not forget the local Rue89 with Marseille which allows me to have some local information on Provence and also the local impact of national and even international events (as in the case of this article on the consequences of Lehman failite Brothers on the street renovation of the Republic Marseille).

Ahhh it was better before on Libe , why? What I liked about the old Liberation, was the wealth of the home page. You could find plenty of info coming out of the ordinary mails and the media agenda. 3-column format was quite well designed, so well recognized that different types of newspaper (Eco World, Politics, Public ...). It's hard enough to succeed in this kind of format in web design (if you're interested, here is a site that compares the advantages and disadvantages of almost all formats of webdesign .). The homepage is endless: For more info go to the original site down, I'm scroller about 5 or 7 times. Positive: I like the new trailer with mag party and small categories (figure, woman, man, the story of the day) but it was more graphic and beautiful in the former. The site is a little more sober is the new trend of web-oriented content. This is the meaning of the latest evolution of the World site who needed it so much clutter and its presentation was made us collapse on the articles.

What is the common point between this week and Libe Inrocks (online course)? The homepage has been invaded by advertising.
In pictures:

The advantage of such campaigns for advertisers, visitors can not miss if its message of beauty products for men or bags luxury here. On Liberation, the eye is drawn because, helping model is rather pretty; Inrocks the side of the pub glean the contents of the site. In these cases
of luxury or semi-luxury, it's interesting as their communication to work first at martonnage visual brand for the customer sees the logo associated in his mind to a positive image, and preferably class sexy.
To sell yoghurt, cars or computers, we try to convince the barge that its product is the best and he will bring the happiness he seeks hopelessly, nothing new under the sun. For this, the ad should not unduly interfere your brain time available . It is very unpleasant to be stopped in its navigation, which makes you hostile to the message. Allociné is a specialist in its advertising "disruptive", which requires you to find the parade to exit the pub and, ultimately, excludes from you messafe advertising.

Thus, to be viable, the online media must adapt to the demands of new media. This is not to duplicate in a newspaper but a website to take advantage of proven expertise in print media to establish itself as the reference site in the jungle ddu web. Many new requirements: be innovative, multimedia, open to players through participation and contribution. The new
Libération website is as such a semi success: the blog format is too restrictive. It still does not fit the requirements of some readers who are primarily interested in other content, and not just the headlines. This is the logic of our generation (Gen Y?) Who prefers to select its news and its sources. It will be argued that many of us no longer pass through the home page and do not leave their favorite RSS aggregator (non-geek, "you are dropped).

To finish on online advertising, I wanted to talk about the ads on Apple's site New York Times which I think are extremely successful and innovative Here is the latest:

Sound is disabled by default, which does not necessarily disturb the visitor. The success of this campaign: the humorous side, the use excellent advertising space and integration into the site. It should go to school but I think the penetration of the message (I do not really know much about marketing, so feel free to comment to give the exact terms or correct me) "go mac" (this I just do) are very high. With innovation, boldness and ideas that online news will find its model economy.
See also:
- "Leopard Is Not Better Than Vista" affiliates and other videos in YouTube

Friday, September 26, 2008

Train Abuze Erotik Movies

Ok I admit, I kinda dropped the blog these days, good for a month. Classes started and I was a bit taken over by the mass readings each week.

following courses I have chosen:
- Introduction to Information Studies : course 1st year exciting. The idea is to revisit the various developments that led to the age of information (such as technological but also social printing or public libraries) and the Internet, copyright, standards, open source, ... Prof. Bob Frost delivers his lectures like a one man show , he is funny and brilliant. He knows very well France for a year studying at the EHESS and did his thesis on EDF (Alternating Currents: Nationalized Power in France, 1946-1970 ). Why not? At each course, he never misses an anecdote related to his life in France. For example, it fell on the emergence of Minitel, developed by France Telecom to avoid repeat of its directories permanently. It was mostly an excuse to discuss the role of porn and ULLA 3615 (I remember the posters on the side of the highway) in the development of the Minitel and generally in the evolution of information technology. My teacher "TD" is also French and is studying for his part in American history. The
course website is very rich, the teacher puts a ton of info online, all these slides, all readings of the week, and ... the video podcast of the week so I will keep warm during snowstorms.

- America and Middle Eastern Wars: The still a strong personality behind the amphitheater. Professor Juan Cole is a kind of national celebrities, witnessed by the enormous Wikipedia article on the . He is frequently interviewed in national media when it comes to the Middle East. He lived in Beirut during the civil war, his stories remind me of the excellent film Waltz with Bashir with his anecdotes of war, his memories of the bombing. His job is quite risky since it can freely criticize the positions of American camps, Israeli, Arab and a university where, on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, rather talk back to argue. But it is so accepted that nobody dares to stir to spread his propaganda. He has a fascinating blog on the Middle East (English), Informed Comments , updated daily.

- Comparative Studies in Religion and Politics: I chose this course first to understand why Americans are so religious and try to explain the proliferation of churches in the New World. A five minute walk from my house, I can go to the Mormons, the Quakers (for whom prayer is to be silent for an hour), Orthodox Jews, Conservative and Reformed, congrétionalistes, Anabaptists, Pentecostals, Catholics the evangelists ... All this happy world engages after a competition for the salvation of our souls! The idea of my teacher and many scholars in religion to explain the astonishing level of belief of Americans, it is this kind of supermarket of religions that are the U.S. cities. With a very high level of religious freedom, the churches are dedicated to their religious goods agree with the expectations of market share in the Hereafter. In short, this course is interesting, I would return several times in the blog to tell you these fanatics who roam the streets of the New World.

- Computer Mediated Communication : During a fourth year of Internet communication and its impact on human relations, media, society, ... Not necessarily aware of the latest developments, my teacher is excellent for giving us the theoretical basis for understanding the Internet and new media. In this course, I'll do a research project on the social network of Seesmic video conversation developed from San Francisco by Loic Le Meur , a famous french blogger. If you have an account or participate in Seesmic, leave a comment to tell me so I can start conversations. Soon, I'll start respond to video in different subjects with complete strangers. I think the findings of my research project may be interesting in terms of self-inhibition due to video chat, relationships between different members of the Seesmic community and especially the future of such a project.

common denominator in all my classes: massive amounts of reading and hard work, and writing papers, this is the price that you are part of "leaders and best" as university calls his students.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tiffany And Co Christmas Decorations

When we at the University of Michigan, there is an essential step before any thing is to go to the stadium of the University! Bite reminder Michigan Stadium or The Big House is the largest stadium in the United States and fourth worldwide. In the match against the University of Utah opened the season, 108,400 people were present in the stadium!
The University team, the Michigan Wolverines football team is the most famous unversitaire. People are able to spend huge sums of money to see games of the university. I heard that during the game against Ohio State is the most hated team here, the seats can be sold at 600 dollars at black market. Astronomical sums exchanged University in football. The new coach, Rich Rodriguez, lives up to its name because so No transfer of West Viriginia has Michigan has cost 4 million dollars!

The university is a bit of his team's display, and a share of his reputation comes from the fact that the Wolverines' games are almost all the time national broadcast. The name Michigan even works as a brand.
You go to a supermarket in Michigan and some you will find all sorts of ancillary print M Islands of the university, it's going sweaters, t shirts, caps that students wear all the time on campus up lawn chairs, pads, leggings, robes, key holders, there is even an authentic Monopoly campus in Ann Arbor or you can put a hotel on the Diag or State Street. In short, all these products report a mad money since the University has all these names are registered trademarks. The anthem of the University, The Victors, must be accompanied by the ™ and the logo of the universe, the M of Michigan is always used with the ® that brings plenty of big bucks. All that is managed by the department with whom my roommate merchandising and association SOLE that the university stop using sweatshops, workers literally sweat, to make their t-shirts in China. Thus, the football team (the real) co-op in which I play is going to use t-shirt fair trade made in Nicaragua in a worker cooperative.

Well, talk a little sports. Already the atmosphere in the stadium, it is quite enormous. The people sing a lot but the atmosphere is especially Marching Band which makes it an orchestra of 235 people who when playing the course happened to have shapes such as M or Michigan shooting star. It very often takes the anthem of the university and it is dispersed across the stage to sing the whole stadium. There also
cheerleaders who spend much of the game to lift the legs to the delight of the first row and shake their tassels at the rhythm of the marching band.

Anyway all this is a good boy, and put aside a few whistles and a "who cares?" has announced the players of Utah is not on a football field you see the American equivalent of the banner antichtis or riot. Damn! For fun, I wanted to yell to the fans of Utah, "Fuck you Mormons, go back in Salt Lake With Your four wives!" This was not the best taste I grant but obviously in this country, a resident of Utah is primarily a compatriot. It would certainly be very bad happening to the land of religious tolerance (another subject on which I should make a ticket) New instant culture shock when the last stage in which you set foot is the Velodrome stadium!
Well obviously, it must evoke the moment of fraternal union, the national anthem which is consistent to the nearest second with two jets flying over. The whole crowd turned to the flag in his hand to his heart's "The Star-Spangled Banner " , just as Muslims turn toward Mecca (comparison a little risk, it is true), religiously.

And the sport in all this? As such, the American soccer scene looks like rugby but there all the time stops and the game clock so it lasted 4 hours. The players have a lot of protection, forget the breaks of fifteen reds France. And above all, the Wolverines have a new So apparently the coaching scheme of play is not very developed and so they have played well in the first quarter time, or they have scored 2 touchdowns, both shifts time have a festival of mediocrity with a quarterback who distributes poorly if I understood what I said and then a burst in the final quarter that helped cut the lead to 23-25 defeat but anyway! In short, it took until the last quarter for a little spice. In short, if the stage is ignited so that the players move a little, it can be really huge for the atmosphere! Anyway, I got tickets for the season so you will often hear talk about football in this blog.

But mainly it was to see all these People come and cheer the Wolverines. It's amazing that the show is before and after the match. In Ann Arbor, there are plenty of pre-party at noon on game days and also after. It's also a mess around the stadium where people bring their families and put a gas bottle and barbeque at the back of the pick-up for grilling sausages before the match on the stadium parking.

After the match, it's a yellow tide that invades the streets of Ann Arbor and student life resumed its course.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Turbokit Pocketbike 110cc

Michigan Football Co-op First

I'm back after a long absence, the time to buy a computer. 5 days of madness in NY, starting for Michigan for the real thing. It's been over a week and a half I am and my blog deserved to be watered with fresh news. I cut the last post in two because it was too long and a little illegibile.

Upon my arrival in Ann Arbor, I realized how my choice to live in co-op was more than wise. What is a co-op? It is a local invention inspired utopian socialist community, hence the name of my house, Robert Owen. The idea: to divide the tasks in a house, a small community, share meals and regularly organize large parties in the house. My house is the second co-op in the world, the first is at the end of the street. They are now everywhere in American universities and also in Germany, especially Berlin. A new word: GUFF this means Generally Unspecified Free Food. Any food which we did not write "no guff" can make a meal of coopers.

Owen is a good compromise with the other houses I saw: not too dirty, people are mostly very sociable and open, and a large porch on which we spend a lot of evenings to discuss. Another advantage of the co-op is to meet many different people that really enriches the discussion.

Which brings me to talk to you, dear reader, My roommate who is a hippy as it does more. First, it is super nice and helped me to settle down, it's a great guy and super grows. Always cheerful, it seems that life and material things pass over him. He loves to make it back, it has happened to make sandals by cutting a tire so the tire and adding bits of plastic. He finds it unfair that I speak English and that he did not speak to me in a foreign language so that it offers me speak German only to put us on a level that Estale j 'I politely declined. Moreover, the first time I met him in presenting myself as French it made me immediately expressed his rejection of the concept of nation state which was perhaps not the time for this kind of discussion just arrived in Ann Arbor. So I share my room with the other side of America, one that considers these excesses and think the world can turn otherwise, too?

Tonight is the meeting the house. We take all our decisions by voting in common than either food, evenings or purchase of the house.